PBC and the Arts
Art evokes inspiration, creativity, problem solving, connection, different methods of communication and empathy. All of these are vital tools for the researchers, faculty, staff and students working and learning on the Phoenix Bioscience Core every day. As we continue to evolve our understanding of the world through science, the PBC is committed to continuously finding ways to integrate Phoenix’s art and culture so we can continue to foster meaningful relationships with our community and develop a develop a deeper level of understanding for all.
The Phoenix Bioscience Core Arts Committee
How the PBC supports the arts
The Phoenix Bioscience Core is dedicated to maintaining a close connection to the arts and culture community around our innovation district. The PBC recently formed its art committee led by University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix faculty member Dr. Cynthia Standley to explore new ways in which we can integrate art into the Phoenix Bioscience Core. These include:
- commissioned opportunities for artists
- program participation that includes creating and touring work around the PBC, as well as selling opportunities for artists.
- opportunities for artists to present in front of scientists and the wider Phoenix community.
- Deepen the connection between our art and research communities through workshops, museum field trips and other programming.
PBC Student Art Grant
The PBC Arts Committee is proud to announce the 2nd annual Student Arts Grant program geared toward students at Arizona’s three public research institutions, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona.
This program will award funds of up to $500 each to students on the Phoenix Bioscience Core who are interested in using art to showcase their academic work or research.
We are seeking innovation: everything from visual arts to performance, technology driven artworks, to social practice. Proposed projects must serve the mission of the Phoenix Bioscience Core. This includes academic areas such as healthcare, community health, life science, translational research or any other area with a connection to the mission of the PBC.
The goal of this grant is to create opportunities for students think creatively about their core curriculum or research. The resulting artworks will be curated into an exhibition or performance that will be shown in one of the exhibit areas on the PBC.

2025 Program Dates:
January 15th: Application Open
February 1st: Application Closes
February 6th: Announcement of Grant Winners
February through early May: Project Creation time
April 2025: PBC Art Committee Check-ins
May 2025: Project Showcase Special Event
Current student work is on display in Health Sciences Education Building on the 4th floor.
Artist + Researcher Exhibition (ARx)
Artist + Researcher (ARx) is the PBC Arts Committee’s largest initiative, pairing local Phoenix artists with researchers and scientists from the PBC to develop translational pieces of art that communicate groundbreaking life science research in new and innovative ways. Check out the latest cohort below.

Our third cohort of the Artist + Researcher program featured eight teams with scientists from Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona.

Our second cohort of Artist + Researcher featured 10 teams with scientists from Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, the University of Arizona, the Translational Genomics Research Institute and PBC startup ElectraTect. The scientists worked with 10 local Phoenix artists and performers over nine months to develop these pieces.

Our inaugural cohort of the Artist + Researcher program featured nine teams with scientists from Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona. The works of art were displayed at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport during the Spring of 2023.
Support the Phoenix Bioscience Core
The Phoenix Bioscience Core’s Arts Committee is wholly supported by contributions from our partners and the greater Phoenix community. If you are interested in supporting local artists, creating new opportunities for public art on the Phoenix Bioscience Core, or one of our other programs, please consider donating using the button below. Select “Phoenix Bioscience Core Arts Committee” as your donation option. Thank you for your support!
The PBC Arts Committee donation fund is managed by the Roosevelt Row CDC. Contributions to the PBC Arts Committee are tax deducible.
Learn more:
The Phoenix Bioscience Core Arts Committee
The PBC Arts Committee was formed in the summer of 2022 and includes members from each of the three public research universities, the city of Phoenix, and several of the PBC’s private organizations.

Dr. Cynthia Standley
Chair, PBC Arts Committee
Cynthia A. Standley, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Bioethics and Medical Humanism at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix. Dr. Standley is an accomplished medical educator with more than 20 years experience teaching physiology to both osteopathic and allopathic medical students. She was formerly among the inaugural faculty at Midwestern University’s Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine (AZCOM) and also an inaugural faculty member at the School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona (SOMA) associated with A T. Still University.
Sara Anderson, Executive Director, Proxsea LLC
Craig Randich, Executive Director, Bentley Gallery
Sharon Ducati, Community Engagement and Communications Manager, PBC
Penny Dolin, Professor of Practice, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, Arizona State University
Jonathan Cartsonis, MD, Director of Rural Health, University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix
Cynthia Ivy, OTD, Clinical Professor, Occupational Therapy, NAU
Claudia Whitehead, Bioscience Healthcare Program Manager, City of Phoenix
James Burns, Ph.D., Principal, Cypress & Sage Advising
Mitch Menchaca, Executive Director, Office of Arts and Culture, City of Phoenix
Adan Madrigal, Executive Director, Roosevelt Row
Julie Anderson, Arts & Culture Grants Market Manager, SmartSimple Software
PBC Arts Committee Supporters