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The Commons podcast from Wexford Science + Technology examines the Phoenix Bioscience Core

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The Commons podcast from Wexford Science + Technology examines the Phoenix Bioscience Core

Taking a roadtrip or have a lengthy commute to work? We have a great podcast rec for you. As part of the Wexford Science + Technology’s podcast “The Commons”, Executive Vice President Tom Osha sat down with industry and city leaders in 2020 to talk about the future of Phoenix as a life science hub, the unique value proposition the city offers private companies and much more.

While so much has happened since 2020 to the PBC — including our new name — it’s interesting to hear how far we’ve come as an innovation district and, how spot on some folks were at predicting the success. 

The podcast is called “The Commons” by Wexford Science + Technology and is available wherever you get your podcasts. The first episode we wanted you to lend us your ears for features Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and Phoenix Community and Economic Development Director Christine Mackay as they prepared for BIO International in 2020. The San Diego convention offers a tremendous opportunity for the city to make its pitch to prospective companies and tenants about why #PHXisBIO.

Osha and Wexford also spent time interviewing other members of the Phoenix Bioscience Core community including, Tammy McCleod, CEO of the Flinn Foundation; ASU Vice President of Development Rick Naimark; Dr. Steve Potts, CEO of OncoMyx; and Tom Schumann, executive director for CEI Labforce from Gateway Community College. You can give them all a listen here.

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