Tag: free
Unlocking the immune system’s potential to fight skin cancer
Karen Hastings, MD, PhD, is exploring how neoantigens can be used as a target for vaccines to help fight skin cancer. When Karen Hastings, MD, PhD, chose to make Arizona her […]
Phoenix Bioscience Core Unveils XLR8 PBC to Propel Scale-Ready Health Tech Companies
The Phoenix Bioscience Core (PBC) is excited to announce applications are now open for XLR8 PBC, taking place in Phoenix April 8-17, 2025. This intensive 8-day in-person program is designed for scale-ready health tech companies. XLR8 PBC helps participants secure appropriate […]
Introducing Investor Corner PBC: A New Hub for Investor-Company Connections
PHOENIX, AZ (January 8, 2025) – The Phoenix Bioscience Core (PBC) is proud to announce the launch of Investor Corner PBC — a dedicated space for investors to connect with […]
AZBioPEERS: Business Basics Series- How To Build An Investable Team
VCs and Angels often say the number one thing they look for in a company is a strong team. Please join us for a discussion of how to build a team that attracts investors for your startup.
“Thinking about an SBIR or STTR? How to access Non-Dilutive capital for small businesses” Part 2: Listening to people that were successful.
Please join us as a panel of Life-Science entrepreneurs discuss their experiences writing successful SBIR and STTR grants.
Downtown Phoenix Farmer’s Market to relocate to Phoenix Bioscience Core
Beginning May 7, the Downtown Phoenix Farmers Market will be operating its Saturday market at a new location: Fifth Street and McKinley, south parking lot on the Phoenix Bioscience Core, which is located between Roosevelt Row and the central business district. Without a break in service to the community, the market and its 90+ farmers…
Venture Café Phoenix – Connectivity
Venture Café Phoenix connects a community of innovators and entrepreneurs through freely accessible high-impact programming and events. Learn more about this week’s events and register!
Beyond Agriculture: Unlocking the USDA’s SBIR Program
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers competitively awarded grants to qualified small businesses to support high quality research related to important scientific problems and opportunities in agriculture that could lead to significant public benefits. The program stimulates technological innovations in the private sector and strengthens the…
AZBio PEERS: Thinking about an SBIR or STTR? Part 1: Listening to the agencies
Learn from the Program Directors of NSF & NIH who will share tips and tricks for applying for SBIRs and STTR.
Understanding SBIR/STTR Data Rights and How to Protect Your Intellectual Property
Small businesses often have concerns about what happens to their background Intellectual Property (IP), including any new IP discovered while working under an SBIR or STTR program award. During this workshop, we will discuss specific requirements at proposal submission and during grant/contract performance that will ensure IP is properly documented and protected. Inventors, entrepreneurs and…